Expert knowledge, communication and government in pandemics.

The media treatment of the role of the committee of experts during the first year of the Coronavirus pandemic in Argentina.


  • Laurencia L. Silveti Instituto Multidisciplinar de Salud, Tecnologías y Desarrollo; Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas / Facultad de Humanidades, Cs. Sociales y de la Salud; Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero
  • Ramiro Llanos Paz Instituto de Estudios para el Desarrollo Social; Facultad de Humanidades, Cs. Sociales, y de la Salud; Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero / Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas



expert knowledge; pandemics; digital newspapers


This paper analyzes the discourses produced in two digital newspapers about the link between expert knowledge and the State during the first year of the coronavirus pandemic in Argentina. It explores the treatment that the media constructed about the configuration of technical-political elites, the discourses that are legitimized by them and the disputes and tensions present in this process. It focuses on contents, sources, actors and assessment. The data are elaborated on the basis of discourse analysis, taking into account the complex relationships between the text (structures of journalistic discourse) and its context of production (socio-historical conditions). The results obtained point out the importance of the presence of the role of expert knowledge in the media, as an element that guides the discussion and provides legitimacy to the communication of the measures taken during the pandemic, the focus of the discussion around the measures and the tensions that emerge in it with respect to the expert knowledge protagonists and the reproduction of the biomedical model. Finally, the need for comprehensive responses in strategies that take into account the psychosocial-economic dimension and the social particularities of the scenarios to which they are oriented is discussed.


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Author Biographies

Laurencia L. Silveti, Instituto Multidisciplinar de Salud, Tecnologías y Desarrollo; Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas / Facultad de Humanidades, Cs. Sociales y de la Salud; Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero

Degree in Psychology from the Catholic University of Santiago del Estero (graduated in 2015).
Master's degree in Family and Community Health from the National University of Santiago del Estero (graduation year 2019).
Doctoral candidate in Collective Health at the National University of Lanús (year of entry 2020).
Research interests: Devices and institutional experiences in health.

Ramiro Llanos Paz, Instituto de Estudios para el Desarrollo Social; Facultad de Humanidades, Cs. Sociales, y de la Salud; Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero / Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Degree in Sociology from the National University of Santiago del Estero (graduated in 2016). PhD student in Communication at the University of La Plata (year of entry 2019).
Research interests: media in subnational contexts, social protest, social discourses and audiences.


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How to Cite

Silveti, L., & Llanos Paz, R. (2022). Expert knowledge, communication and government in pandemics. : The media treatment of the role of the committee of experts during the first year of the Coronavirus pandemic in Argentina . Question/Cuestión, 3(71), E682.