Social representations of big data in the Argentinian digital press.




big data, social representations, argentinian press, artificial intelligence


Abstract: In this work we investigate how social representations are built around big data in the Argentine press, giving an account of the imaginaries to which it resorts, the voices that stand out, and unraveling the myths and fantasies that it awakens and that contribute to its social acceptance. We are guided by Serge Moscovici's Theory of Social Representations, and we focus on the representation construction process. We work with a qualitative design aimed at content analysis of a news corpus (period 2010-2022) of Argentine digital media. Our results include the characterization of big data as a new era, objectifications around datasets and experts, anchors in knowledge and information management, and an ambivalent attitude towards big data. In the discussion we compare these results with others from foreign corpus, and with our own with different designs.


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How to Cite

Becerra, G. (2022). Social representations of big data in the Argentinian digital press . Question/Cuestión, 3(72), E726.