review by Isaac León Frías (2022), From classicism to modernities. Aesthetics in tension in the history of cinema. Lima: Editorial Fund.


  • Enzo Moreira Facca CIC-TECC-Facultad de Arte UNICEN



Modern cinema, Classic Cinema, History of cinema, Aesthetic


Here we present a brief review of the latest book, wrote by the Peruvian researcher and critic, Isaac León Frías. This material tries to give a panoramic approach about the conditions of the appearance and evolution of modern cinema worldwide. The book takes up classic debates on modernity and classicism in the cinematographic theory and updates them with new perspectives and positions. The overwhelming number of films analyzed for this purpose accounts for the exhaustiveness and concern in trying to understand, in a much more accurate way, an aesthetic matrix present in a whole series of artistic movements during all the years of cinema's life. This is how this volume becomes essential to be able to answer a question as difficult as: what is modern cinema?


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Burch, N. (1987). El tragaluz del infinito. Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra.

León Frías, I. (2013). El nuevo cine latinoamericano de los años sesenta. Entre el mito político y la modernidad fílmica. Lima: Fondo Editorial.

—————— (2022). Del clasicismo a las modernidades. Estéticas en tensión en la historia del cine. Lima: Fondo Editorial.

Cassetti, F. y Di Chio, F. (1991). Cómo analizar un film. Barcelona: Paidós.



How to Cite

Moreira Facca, E. (2023). review by Isaac León Frías (2022), From classicism to modernities. Aesthetics in tension in the history of cinema. Lima: Editorial Fund. Question/Cuestión, 3(74), e790.