Disinformation in the EU: the policies of Ireland and Poland


  • Amparo García-Aguilera Universidad de Málaga




disinformation, European Union, Ireland, Poland, fake news


The fight against disinformation is a relevant line of action within the public policies deployed by the European Union. In this research, it is intended to determine if there is a relationship between the communication policies that EU countries apply in terms of disinformation and the ability of their population to identify fake news. To this end, the latest Media and News of the Eurobarometer (2022) is taken as a reference and the policies implemented by the countries that occupy the first and last position in the ranking of citizen self-perception on the ability to detect false news, Ireland and Poland, respectively, are dissected. Applying the qualitative methodology of the case analysis, it is concluded that there is no apparent relationship between policies and citizen self-perception, since in Ireland there are very few initiatives launched by the Government, and just the opposite occurs in Poland, which also complies with 90% of the recommendations of the European Commission in the fight against disinformation.


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Author Biography

Amparo García-Aguilera, Universidad de Málaga

Amparo García-Aguilera, Master in Professional Photography by the Center of Photography and Visual Arts of Malaga, is a member of the research team of the Educational Innovation Project PIE 22-093, "Attention to diversity in the Degree in Journalism: information pills on sexual, ethnic minorities and people with disabilities", and currently enjoys an Initiation to Research Scholarship in the Department of Journalism of the University of Malaga (Spain).


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How to Cite

García-Aguilera, A. (2023). Disinformation in the EU: the policies of Ireland and Poland. Question/Cuestión, 3(75), e805. https://doi.org/10.24215/16696581e805