Why fake news is shared on social media. An analysis of the Peruvian case during the coronavirus crisis





COVID-19, coronavirus, pandemic, social media, fake news, disinformation, Internet, social networks


Fake news spread widely during the coronavirus pandemic in Peru, mainly through social media, which people used to stay informed during this period of health crisis. Therefore, this research examines the reasons that motivated Peruvian social media users to share fake news during the first 15 months of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. A descriptive cross-sectional quantitative content analysis was conducted on the responses of 821 users of these platforms. According to the results, the answer to the research question "Why did Peruvian users share fake news about the coronavirus on social media between March 2020 and June 2021?" is that they did it mainly for four reasons: (a) to refute its content; (b) to warn about the lie; (c) because they believe in the content; and (d) to start conversations. It is also concluded that the age and gender of the users influence the decision to share these publications.



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Author Biography

Patricia De La Cruz Carrera, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Patricia De La Cruz Carrera is a Social Communicator from the National University of San Marcos and a graduate of the Master's Degree in Communications from the same institution. She has been working for over 15 years in various public and private sector institutions as a specialist in content strategies for social media and other communication platforms oriented towards citizenship. She has specialized studies in Digital Government, Public Management, and Digital Communication for Public Management.


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How to Cite

De La Cruz Carrera, P. (2023). Why fake news is shared on social media. An analysis of the Peruvian case during the coronavirus crisis. Question/Cuestión, 3(74), e779. https://doi.org/10.24215/16696581e779