The performatic body as territory

About the artistics expressions in the 32º NWM from the providence of Chaco, Argentina.


  • Ana Belén Ghiano Aguzin Universidad Nacional del Nordeste
  • Guadalupe Arqueros Instituto de Investigaciones Geohistóricas - Universidad Nacional del Nordeste



performance, feminism, art, nacional womens mettings, body


Since more than 30 years, in Argentina being realized the Nationals Women's Meetings, they represent a central politics event for the American Latin's feminist agenda. In the next work we will analyze the nuances of this militant manifestation and the predilytics tematic that they denunciations through the artistic performance and the naked participant's bodys. Through the photographic record of the 32º NWM, carried out in Resistencia City, Chaco province, in the month of October year 2017, taking into account the performative theory developed for Taylor and Fuentes (2011) and the interpretative visual analysis of Schenettler and Raab (2012). Our hypothesis is than the manifestanting women's naked body, bring and make vissible a dispute about the public and private, formulated in this artistic expression; than on this 32º NWM has converted the most creative lenguage used for the feminist militance


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Author Biographies

Ana Belén Ghiano Aguzin, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste

She has a degree in Combined Arts, from the National University of the Northeast (2021). Since 2018 she has been dedicated to artistic and gender research, specializing in performance art in public space and the different manifestations and corporal expressions in the context of protest. She participated as a speaker and intern in different meetings, congresses and research conferences on art and gender; and also as a multimedia artist in regional festivals of the NEA. She is currently studying a Master's Degree in History of Modern and Contemporary Art, at the National University of Arts, and developing different research projects on topics of her specialty.

Guadalupe Arqueros, Instituto de Investigaciones Geohistóricas - Universidad Nacional del Nordeste

Professor and graduate in Philosophy from UNNE (1999) Master in Methodology of Sciences from UNLa (2017) and advanced doctoral student in Gender Studies (CEA/UNC). Research professor of the Faculty of Humanities with exclusive dedication regime. Filed at the Institute of Geohistory (IIGHI) CONICET/UNNE, since March 2014. Head of the Aesthetics team since 2010 at the Faculty of Arts, Design and Cultural Sciences and associate professor of Research Methods in Philosophy. Extensive postgraduate training (UBA, FLACSO, UCM, etc.) referring to aesthetics, gender, feminism and research methodology. National researcher with category III (2017) . Member of the NEDIM team led by Dr. Mariana Giordano since 2014. Speaker at scientific meetings and with published production on the topics: expressions arts and women, feminism and philosophy. Member of NEDIM research teams since 2014. Director of theses and internships in the careers of philosophy, arts, relations work, communication etc. as IIGHI interns in the topics of her specialty. Member of the IIGHI Council since 2016 and researcher in charge of the line of work on sexual and gender diversities for the IIGHI.CONICET Executing Units project. Feminist militant and coordinator of non-academic projects related to the theme.


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How to Cite

Ghiano Aguzin, A. B., & Arqueros, G. (2023). The performatic body as territory: About the artistics expressions in the 32º NWM from the providence of Chaco, Argentina. Question/Cuestión, 3(75), e808.



initiation to research