Urban imaginaries of the "girl" of a Girls' Home





urban imaginaries, little girl, Home


The objective of this article is to address the symbolic-ideological dimension of the local urban imaginary regarding the population of which the privately managed public service Hogar de Niñas with a centennial presence in the city is the object. Specifically, we seek to analyze the components of the framework of meanings with which the girls and adolescents who will reside or reside in the institution are referred to and imagined. The approach of this exploration is made up of the convergence of two samples: one that is made up of actors linked for work reasons to the management of the home and another that is not previously linked to daily events made up of the perspective of city dwellers. . Both carried out in stages during 2020-2021. The approach with which these results will be analyzed comes from urban anthropology. The interpretation of the symbolic-ideological dimension with which the set of actors constructs and refers to the girls points to two relevant moments. The first indicates the moment prior to entering the Home. The second, positioning the girl inside, reconverts the previous one and presents the "girl from home".


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Otras fuentes

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How to Cite

Alicata, M. (2023). Urban imaginaries of the "girl" of a Girls’ Home. Question/Cuestión, 3(74), e789. https://doi.org/10.24215/16696581e789



initiation to research