Hate speech. Vanishing point of the hate sppeches


  • José Manuel Rodríguez Amieva Universidad Nacional de San Luis




Semiotics, Hate Speech, Political Constitution, Fascism


After the attempted murder of the Vice President of Argentina, the term «hate speech» was set up in the political arena and in the local media agenda as a key explanatory resource for the motives of the attack. In response to such an event, we use the polemical amplification of the treatment of the conditions and mechanisms involved in the disqualification of a prominent public figure, in order to more clearly distinguish the circuit of harassment that affects broad sectors of the population whose identities and needs remain invisible. Specifically, we take note of the experience of uncertainty, with the attached affects of anguish and fear, promoted by the contemporary precariousness of the conditions of existence, pointing out the oscillating and unstable state of those affects and the contingent slide that they allow towards hatred and violent enactment. We warn, in this vein, the risks that hate speech entails for the political constitution of life, especially insofar as its most extreme expression expels a radical hatred of speech, as the foundation of common understanding. In this context, in order to unravel the intricate set of enunciators and processes involved in the dissemination of hate speech, we believe that it is propitious to develop a psychosocial semiotic analysis in this regard, the direction in which we are advancing in this communication.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Amieva, J. M. (2023). Hate speech. Vanishing point of the hate sppeches . Question/Cuestión, 3(75), e795. https://doi.org/10.24215/16696581e795