El estrado en la pantalla

Apuntes sobre la dimensión comunicacional de los juicios de lesa humanidad en Argentina desde la pandemia (2020-2023)


  • Florencia Larralde Armas CIS-IDES/CONICET/UNLP




Digital comunication, Advertising, Against humanity, Trials, Communication and Information Technologies, Pandemic


In Argentina, trials against humanity have been marked by the debate around their public disclosure since its beginnings during the democratic opening in the eighties, up to the present day. However, with the arrival of the pandemic in March 2020, a new stage was opened in relation to the links between the media and criminal justice during the development of trials against humanity. In this article we intend to analyze the reconfigurations, as well as the continuities, discontinuities, tensions and struggles around the communicational dimension of trials against humanity, during a unique period of virtualization of justice in the midst of the health crisis caused by the pandemic by COVID-19. Through field work with digital ethnography methodologies, our objectives were to reconstruct the first demands and discussions that led to the restart of the trials; conceptualize the different technological modalities of the development of trials against humanity at the national level and the media channels through which the principle of publicity was guaranteed in the different courts; and reflect on the main resistances and innovations of this process that, even after the pandemic has ended, continues to develop through digital channels.


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Author Biography

Florencia Larralde Armas, CIS-IDES/CONICET/UNLP

Florencia Larralde Armas

Assistant Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET ), Institute of Justice and Human Rights of the National University of Lanús (UNLa). She is a Doctor in Social Sciences, a Master in History and Memory and a Bachelor of Social Communication from the National University of La Plata. She is a member of the Academic Committee of the Nucleus of Studies on Memory (CIS-CONICET / IDES) and has served as Editorial Coordinator of Aletheia, Magazine of the Master in History and Memory (2009-2016). He currently participates in the Editorial Committee of said publication and in the Clepsidra Magazine, an Interdisciplinary Journal of Studies on Memory. She is the author of Relating with light: uses of the photograph of the disappeared (2018, Edulp), EX ESMA. Memory Policies in the former clandestine detention center (2004-2015) (2021, La Oveja Roja-Kamchatka). He has published articles in the country and abroad. Mail: larraldeflor@yahoo.com.ar


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How to Cite

Larralde Armas, F. (2023). El estrado en la pantalla: Apuntes sobre la dimensión comunicacional de los juicios de lesa humanidad en Argentina desde la pandemia (2020-2023). Question/Cuestión, 3(75), e803. https://doi.org/10.24215/16696581e803