Murales, lienzos y afiches, como dispositivos de información y memoria de un desaparecido

A 30 años de la desaparición de Miguel Bru


  • Claudia Andrea Torres Delgado UNLP- IICOM



Miguel Brú, memory, demonstrations, public spaces, territorial brands


The arrival as a Latin American migrant to the city of La Plata, from the beginning of the journey of a collective, presents you with an overview of its social and political history from the last civic-military dictatorship, to the construction of democracy as a current process, through symbols posts in public places. Without the need to google or search for a book, we know that there were 30,000 disappeared, that there are relatives who are still looking for them, that there is a latent struggle for truth, memory and justice, and that there are victims of police violence with hundreds of disappeared and disappeared in democracy. The following essay explores this migrant experience and "territorial brands" are expressions of collective memory that reveal information missing from the mainstream media. Specifically, we address the case of Miguel Bru, a student who disappeared in 1993, whose image is reflected in public spaces, including the Faculty of Journalism of the National University of La Plata, which identifies with his story. These demonstrations not only commemorate, but also inform and create identity, underlining the importance of keeping historical memory alive.


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Author Biography

Claudia Andrea Torres Delgado, UNLP- IICOM

Estudiante de Licenciatura en Comunicación Social de la UNLP.

Investigadora del Instituto de investigación en Comunicación IICOM




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How to Cite

Torres Delgado, C. A. (2023). Murales, lienzos y afiches, como dispositivos de información y memoria de un desaparecido: A 30 años de la desaparición de Miguel Bru. Question/Cuestión, 3(75), e816.



Incidente IV ¿Dónde está Miguel?