Encuadres en la cobertura sobre IA en Argentina


  • Esteban Azzara UMAI




Inteligencia Artificial, framing, Medios digitales


The objective of this study is to elucidate how the most prominent digital media platforms in Argentina portrayed the subject of "Artificial Intelligence" during the initial six months of 2023. For this purpose, we constructed a dataset consisting of 100 news articles from the top 5 digital media sources in Argentina (Infobae, TN online, Clarín online, La Nación online, A24 online) that were considered "most relevant" by each outlet in June 2023.

The analysis of this dataset allowed us to identify that Argentina's main digital media outlets framed the information about Artificial Intelligence based on four frames: Impact on labor and/or productive activities, Creation and consumption of content for social media and entertainment, Future consequences, Regulations and limits.

In the results section of this work, we provide two tables. The first table presents the distribution of news articles according to their topics and themes. The second table provides information about the frequency with which each frame was identified in the studied news corpus, indicating whether it was portrayed positively or negatively.


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How to Cite

Azzara, E. (2023). Encuadres en la cobertura sobre IA en Argentina. Question/Cuestión, 3(76), e856. https://doi.org/10.24215/16696581e856



Informe especial. La Inteligencia Artificial en debate: reflexiones para generar