Socialization according to Margaret Archer

The relational reflexivity as a sociological reclassification


  • Matías Mansilla Universidad de Buenos Aires



Reflexivity, Relational, Reclassification


Margaret Archer was an English sociologist that developed, through more than thirty years of trajectory, the called morphogenetic approach. In her discussion with theorists like Habermas and Bourdieu, Archer has won the acknowledgment for have made possible an approach that is alternative to the proposed by the new classics of the discipline. In this sense, one of the proposals of the author comes by the hand of the concept of relational reflexivity. This concept reclassifies the idea of socialization when explaining that the agent, thanks to his reflexive capacity, takes an active and decisive part in that process. This marks one of the greatest contributions of the author in regards to the construction of theoretical tools that permit an approach to the relations in between agents. In this work, I propose an approach to the concept of relational reflexivity as a reconceptualization of the processes of socialization that has raised critiques by scholars in the morphogenetic approach and has planted a debate with classical conceptualizations of this socialization processes too.


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How to Cite

Mansilla, M. (2023). Socialization according to Margaret Archer: The relational reflexivity as a sociological reclassification. Question/Cuestión, 3(76), e835.



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