Comunicación Política y Redes Sociales en América Latina

Perspectivas Epistemológicas en los Estudios del Sistema Político Peruano


  • Carlos Gonzales García UNMSM



Political communication, Social networks, Rational-empirical epistemology, Latin America, Political communication, redes sociales, Social networks, Rational-empirical epistemology, Latin America


This study tackles political communication and social networks in Latin America from an epistemological perspective, inspired by Bunge's notions on social sciences. Reviewing 22 publications on political communication and social networks in the region, it underscores the need for more rigorous philosophical foundations to enhance understanding of theories and methodologies. Despite Peru's prominence in this research area, it encourages a more deductive and conceptual approach, emphasizing rational-empirical epistemology as essential in advancing social scientific knowledge.


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How to Cite

Gonzales García, C. (2024). Comunicación Política y Redes Sociales en América Latina: Perspectivas Epistemológicas en los Estudios del Sistema Político Peruano. Question/Cuestión, 3(77), e875.