Constructions of television characters in reality shows.




social media, reality shows, audiences


Big Brother is a reality show based on coexistence and isolation. It returned to Argentine television in 2022 with its tenth broadcast after 6 years without new editions. The product was well received by audiences and achieved a strong presence on social networks as a space for discussion and creation of parallel content about what was broadcast during the program.

This work aimed to investigate the uses and appropriations of social networks by Big Brother audiences; and the role of the direction of the reality show in the production of meanings. We sought to identify the construction of a narrative around the participants, through the intervention of both actors. 

Through an analysis of the content of six selected broadcasts and a survey of tweets simultaneously with the latter, this work was guided by the following questions: What role do audiences play in the decision-making of this reality show? What relationship does the interaction of the audiences have with the production of meanings by the production? How is a narrative constructed that more or less favors one character or another?


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Author Biography

Malena Torres, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Licenciada en Comunicación Social por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (2024). Estudiante del Porfesorado en Comunicación Social por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Actualmente forma parte del programa de investigación “Tecnologías digitales y prácticas de comunicación/educación” del Centro de Políticas Públicas en Educación, Comunicación y Tecnología de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Se interesa por el estudio de audiencias y fanatismos de consumos culturales en el siglo XXI.


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How to Cite

Torres, M. (2024). Constructions of television characters in reality shows. Question/Cuestión, 3(79), e954.



initiation to research