News agency services worldwide by type of funding


  • Guillermo Nanni Universidad Austral



News agencies; Funding; Government systems; Latin America; Media sustainability.


This research classifies the services of news agencies in United Nations member countries based on their type of funding and service. Using a quantitative analytical methodology, data from member states were collected and analyzed to identify patterns and relationships between the type of funding (state or private) and factors such as the system of government and GDP. The results reveal a global predominance of state funding. It was also observed that democratic and economically developed countries tend to have more services with private funding. In Latin America, trends similar to the global level are projected. The research highlights the importance of editorial independence and diversification for the sustainability of news agencies in the current media environment.


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How to Cite

Nanni, G. (2024). News agency services worldwide by type of funding. Question/Cuestión, 3(79), e946.