Public opinion trends around the hashtag #Coronavirus




public opinion; social networks; influencers; opinion mining; communication for health.


The objective of the research was to analyze trends in public opinion around the #Coronavirus hashtag. Variables such as the feeling (positive or negative) in the messages, the role of influencers, the most used platforms, the sources of the messages and the main opinions of the conversations, messages or headlines were analyzed. This is an investigation with a transectional-descriptive design in which conversations of people in cyberspace around the hashtag #coronavirus were captured. It is concluded that in the process of opinion formation around the coronavirus, we observe how Jensen's (2009) theory is fulfilled since the channel that has most influenced is Badabun, from the Mexican YouTube with 42.6 million subscribers and is oriented towards non-informative and web-associated viral content.


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Author Biographies

Ángel Emiro Páez Moreno, Dr., University of Zulia - University of Bocaya

Doctor in Social Sciences. Professor and Researcher at the University of Boyacá / University of Zulia. Author of the book E-government from the bottom up: a proposal from Venezuela and more than 50 publications in the areas of communication, information and communication technologies and management ( Master in Communication Sciences. Graduate in Social Communication. He is a researcher in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) since 1999, standing out in intellectual production on Electronic Government, social networks and cybermedia. ORCID: Email:

Carlos Andrés Solano Valderrama, University of Bocaya

Research Assistant of the WEB TRANSPARENCY IN THE DIGITAL GOVERNMENT OF AMERICA Project at the University of Boyacá, Colombia. ORCID: Email:


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How to Cite

Páez Moreno, Ángel E., & Solano Valderrama, C. A. (2021). Public opinion trends around the hashtag #Coronavirus. Question/Cuestión, 3(68), e533.