`I don’t know where the time has gone’: students’ testimonies during the quarantine


  • Julieta Cane FPyCS-UNLP




time, social networks, quarantine


This essay explores the ways of conceiving time from different socio-historical conditions. In particular, it focuses on the context of the COVID-19 pandemic by reading journalism students’ conception about time during the quarantine. This analysis comes from the collaboration of the Faculty of Journalism and Social Communication (UNLP) in the inter-university research ‘How Argentinian students from journalism universities consume information and study using technologies’ (Investigate in Network- Investigar en Red)1.


Keywords: time; social networks; quarantine.

[1] www.investigarenred.ar


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How to Cite

Cane, J. (2021). `I don’t know where the time has gone’: students’ testimonies during the quarantine. Question/Cuestión, 3(70), E593. https://doi.org/10.24215/16696581e593



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