Strategic communication to manage changes and innovation in an organization of small and medium wine producers in Famatina (La Rioja, Argentina)




communication, organization, strategic communication, socio cultural meeting, social actors


The paper presents an experience of research, design and planning activities to promote change and innovation of production processes in a first-grade organization composed of small and medium producers. It is based on the sharing of visions, interests and needs of the actors involved in the process. It proposes to think and manage them through the epistemological postulates of the School of Strategic Communication of the University of Rosario (Argentina), because it is a model that bets on the exchange of knowledge between the social subjects involved in the desired transformation, making them to dialogue for finding a consensual solution. The stages of the process of elaboration of the strategy and the communicational logics chosen to generate conditions of dialogue and interaction between the protagonists of the desired transformation are presented, as well as the Tree of Solutions through which concrete actions are proposed to achieve change and Innovation in a communication framework between the social actors involved.


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How to Cite

Gordillo, A. M. . (2022). Strategic communication to manage changes and innovation in an organization of small and medium wine producers in Famatina (La Rioja, Argentina). RevCom, (14), e077.


