Urban Spaces, Homeless Youth and Covid-19





power, citizenship, livelihood, disaster, immunity


The urban projects proposed by subsequent administrations from Bogota with the purpose of solving concerns regarding homeless youth have been developed as a response to physical and spatial issues, as well as public health difficulties associated with drug use. The crisis addressing the current global health emergency proves that these projects associate power technologies that seek despacialization trend. Besides studying the problem area previously described, the present article analyzes a series of spatial components adapted to the spatialization for homeless youth exposed to covid-19.


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How to Cite

Gómez Granda, P. A., & Mena Rodríguez, V. E. (2021). Urban Spaces, Homeless Youth and Covid-19. Revista Argentina De Estudios De Juventud, (15), e053. https://doi.org/10.24215/18524907e053



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