Young People and Political Content on Social Networks

Comparative Study in Two Educational Institutions of Colombia


  • Milany Andrea Gómez Betancur Universidad Católica de Oriente, Colombia
  • Carolina Rincón Zapata Universidad Católica de Oriente, Colombia
  • Yesid Salazar Vallejo Secretaría de Educación de Río Negro, Colombia
  • Edwin Mejía Martínez Secretaría de Educación de Río Negro, Colombi



political content, youth, technological platforms, social networks


The article investigates the political content that young people from two educational institutions located in the East of Antioquia-Colombia share on social networks and what their interactions are like. It is based on the hypothesis that social networks have become scenarios of social and political democratization. However, the results show that although young people use social networks often, they do not do so frequently to share political content, many share without clearly identifying that it is political content, and the content shared is about topics related to social leaders, environment, gender struggle and corruption.


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How to Cite

Gómez Betancur, M. A. ., Rincón Zapata, C. ., Salazar Vallejo, Y. ., & Mejía Martínez, E. . (2023). Young People and Political Content on Social Networks: Comparative Study in Two Educational Institutions of Colombia. Revista Argentina De Estudios De Juventud, (17), e077.


