The crisis of the media

Journalists and the different uses of social media



Social networks, media, crisis, uses


This text is framed as a chapter within the book Communication and politics reloaded: the social media in a context of pandemic, edited by EDULP and recently published by CICEOP (UNLP). The presentation aims to investigate the uses that journalists and media managers give to social media, their vision of the relation between traditional media and social media, the link between professional performance and the private sphere and notions related to content consumption after Covid - 19.

The research was carried out along 2020 and 2021 through interviews with media workers and journalists of graphic press, radios, television and digital webs, publics and privates, located in the city of La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina). In the chapter, appear a detailed categorization of the different types of users who browse social media with own concepts and the different weights around the capacity of the media to impose issues on the public agenda, along the «information leaks» that social networks allow in this new century.


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Flores, R.; Arano Uría, F. (2021). «Lo profesional, posiciones subjetivas y crisis en los medios». En G. González (comp.). Comunicación y política reloaded. Las redes sociales en contexto de pandemia. La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial EDULP.

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How to Cite

Arano Uría, F. . (2022). The crisis of the media: Journalists and the different uses of social media. Actas De Periodismo Y Comunicación, 7(2). Retrieved from



Comunicación, medios y política