Political Communication in the Classroom: Reflections on the Strategies of Neoliberalism



Neoliberalism, discursive strategies, political communication, university


This paper intends to recover and expose the experience based on the educational practice of the subject Studies on Politics and Society II of the Superior Technical in Public and Political Communication of the Faculty of Journalism and Social Communication of the National University of La Plata. In this framework, the experience that will be developed below highlights the teaching/learning processes based on didactic proposals and exercises that enabled the students to share experiences, perspectives and reflections on the field of political communication, for the strategic discourse analysis of neoliberal spaces.


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Author Biographies

Milagros Lagneaux, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina





Agustina Prugna, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina



Dimas Zaffar, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina






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How to Cite

Lagneaux, M. ., Prugna, A. ., & Zaffar, D. . (2023). Political Communication in the Classroom: Reflections on the Strategies of Neoliberalism. Actas De Periodismo Y Comunicación, 8(1). Retrieved from https://perio.unlp.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/actas/article/view/7743



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