Dialogues for esthetics of deconstitution. Monuments, anti-monuments and devices of memories, memoirs and practices
Monuments, Antimonuments, Semiotics, Aesthetics.Abstract
The present work proposes in the first place, a dialogue between two different theoretical developments that find in the space of this writing, possible conjectures about monumentality and its temporal and spatial modalization.
Converging in this exchange, concepts developed by Yuriko Saito, related to the aesthetics of climate, and Rodolfo Kusch, linked to the aesthetics of the American. To this first frame, different developments and reflections are added that from Semiotics and Philosophy allow different types of articulations between the proposed authors.
In this sense, it is a work of essay-based exploration that has the pretension of opening the conceptual field of duality monumentality/antimonumentality to contribute to the construction of a critical apparatus that allows establishing new projections/designations; open symbols to deconstruct these sites and project their possible transformations.
It is structured in three dialogues. The first develops the link between climate and territory; the second, the relationship between the individual and the collective; the third, the place occupied by western monuments in America as producers of otherness.
In addition to this general framework that structures the work, there is a second moment in which other possible exchanges linked to different hypotheses are established from which to project different ways of doing and proposing works. Works that allow us to approach from different theoretical and aesthetic perspectives the tension of a field that expands, where the discursive and the projectual are articulated in statements that refract the complexity of a multiple approach.
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