Purposes and functions of television in the digital age based on an analysis of peruvian television
The discussion about the purposes and functions of television continues its course in the world of convergence, because in addition to being still the most tuned means of communication -after the radio-, when it becomes digital, it has involved changes in habits of use that demand greater clarity regarding its role inserted in the daily life of millions of consumers.
This approach, of descriptive scope and qualitative approach according to the analytical deductive method, tries to make a contribution on the television situation in terms of its functions: entertain and inform, as well as in terms of its educational purpose that has always been inexhaustible controversies, from the case of peruvian television.
Thus, after a review of the contents proposed by open-signal television, the crisis that television is experiencing in general due to insufficient quality and between the genres of entertainment and information is evident, which entails, as a consequence, an inattention to purposes as transcendental as that of orienting or, even more, that of educating. With all this, digital television is presented as the new alternative that ponders the media rather than as an informative, entertainment.
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