Truth and justice in Olavarría: the case of Indio Solari's recital




Political anthropology, tragedy, truth and justice, discursive tissue


During a massive rock recital conducted by the Indian artist Solari in the city of Olavarría in March 2017, two people died. This event led numerous social actors to present the event as a tragedy, and to discuss on the public scene the responsibilities in this regard. In this context, the commission was formed, what happened in Olavarría? For the Truth and Justice (hereinafter CVJ), composed of neighbors of the city, university students and political militants. The CVJ presented as its main objective publicly denouncing the municipal, provincial and national government through a mobilization in the central square of the city. The intention of this article will be, from an ethnographic approach, to elucidate how the native truth and justice categories produced by the CVJ, operated as a legitimate discursive fabric for the accreditation in the public arena of the tragic character of the analyzed social situation. It will be shown how these vernacular notions appeared as social syntheses of a broader plot of meanings linked to the repertoire of human rights organizations and activists, and which were fundamental as a strategy for seeking political support from diverse social actors.


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Author Biography

Brenda Mirella Bahl, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires

Graduate in Social Anthropology (2018) from the National University of the Center of the Province of Buenos Aires (UNCPBA) and PhD student from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), anthropology area. She is currently a doctoral fellow of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) based in the Group of Sociocultural Studies of Conflict (GESC) of the FACSO-UNCPBA. She specializes in the study of the processes of production and administration of conflicts and public controversies.


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How to Cite

Bahl, B. M. (2020). Truth and justice in Olavarría: the case of Indio Solari’s recital. Question/Cuestión, 1(65), e264.



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