The social representations of the officials of the judiciary towards European and South American migrations

between the authorities and prejudice


  • Ramiro Nicolas Perez Ripossio Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani; Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; Universidad de Buenos Aires



social representations, migrations, judicial power, interculturality


This article investigates the social representations of AMBA Judicial Power officials regarding external migration (European and South American). The paper approaches the understanding of intercultural relations through the institutional voice of officials comparing the representations they have regarding European and South American migrations according to their idiosyncrasy and historical significance. The main findings indicate that the representations of the officials regarding these groups are strongly differentiated. The European migrations are assigned positive characteristics related to the construction of the nation and its identity due to the culture of work and civilized values ​​while to the South American migrations, negative qualities are attributed, crossed by the exploitation, the crime and the I rooted in their own cultures. In this way, the article demonstrates that interculturality in the Argentine Republic is conflictive and antagonistic and that therefore, relations between natives and migrants are constituted as relations of domination. The research methodology is qualitative, and the research technique is the interview, individual and semi-structured. The data were encoded and analyzed according to the pillars of the Grounded Theory


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Author Biography

Ramiro Nicolas Perez Ripossio, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani; Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; Universidad de Buenos Aires

Sociologist, a master of research in social sciences and a doctoral candidate from the University of Buenos Aires. His areas of interest are migration and the judiciary focused on migrant citizenship and national identity. He also specializes in migration and gender issues and in the methodology of qualitative social research being a teacher in that area and university.


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How to Cite

Perez Ripossio, R. N. (2020). The social representations of the officials of the judiciary towards European and South American migrations: between the authorities and prejudice. Question/Cuestión, 2(66), e455.




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