Consensus and enforceability of State obligations (Imf or DESCA again?)


  • German Ariel Jauregui Director Área Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales, CEG Centro de Estudios para la Gobernanza



Consensus, External Debt, IMF, DESCA, Legitimacy


First, we will look at the consensuses that determined the adoption of the Argentine State's human rights obligations, especially in DESCA and its enforceability, in contrast to the low legitimacy and consensus of the recent debt contracted with the IMF by the Argentine state and its enforceability. Next, we will point to the inconsistencies between DESCA escalation and imf-required policies. Budgetary costs in the implementation of public policies on DESCA. Finally, we will point out the need for an independent audit prior to the restructuring of external debt


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Author Biography

German Ariel Jauregui, Director Área Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales, CEG Centro de Estudios para la Gobernanza

Academic:Graduate Year 2000, Lawyer (UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE LA PLATA - Argentina) Postgraduate: Year 2013, MA in Human Rights, Rule of Law and Democracy in Ibero-America (UNIVERSIDAD DE ALCALÁ - Spain) Professional •Year 2010 (onwards): General Director of Administrative Proceedings, Audits and Prosecutions, for the Legal and Technical Secretariat of Buenos Aires Province' Ombudsman's Office. Main field of specialization and research: Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights (ESCER).


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Holmes, S. y Sunstein, C. (2011). El costo de los derechos: por qué la libertad depende de los impuestos. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI

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How to Cite

Jauregui, G. A. (2019). Consensus and enforceability of State obligations (Imf or DESCA again?). Question/Cuestión, 1(64).