The judgment of the Trial to the Military Boards

Senses on the historical process that are resignified in the present


  • Malena Silveyra Centro de Estudios sobre genocidio; Universidad de Tres de Febrero/ Universidad de Buenos Aires



genocide, memory, state crimes judgments, argentine militar dictatorshit


The Military Board Trial in transcendent not only for the search for Justice, but in the gold of achieving collective Memory and Truth. Today, the Judgment is cited in national courts as jurisprudence and as a voice of authority. This article proposes an analysis of the structure of meaning about the historical process produced in this sentence with the objective of contributing to the understanding of the ways in which these senses are retaken, transformed, discarded, that is, resigned, in the judicial process nowadays, for which, as an example, this article analyze the judgements of two actual cases: "Mansion Seré" (2008) and "Fiochetti" (2009).


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Author Biography

Malena Silveyra, Centro de Estudios sobre genocidio; Universidad de Tres de Febrero/ Universidad de Buenos Aires

Degree in Sociology from the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. Member of the State Crimes Observatory (FSOC-UBA) and the Center for Studies on Genocide (CEG-UNTREF). Proffesor at sociology degree and coordinates, together with Valeria Thus, the Seminar Students go to the trials that are taught at the Faculty of Law (UBA), Faculty of Agronomy (UBA) and the Master of Studies Latin Americans (MESLA_FSOC, UBA). She is currently completing her PHD at the Faculty of Social Sciences (UBA) and works in the area of ​​Memory of the Directorate General of Human Rights of the Rectorate of the University of Buenos Aires.


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How to Cite

Silveyra, M. (2020). The judgment of the Trial to the Military Boards: Senses on the historical process that are resignified in the present. Question/Cuestión, 1(65), e250.


