Theater and cultural diplomacy in the Río de la Plata


  • Raúl Santiago Algán Universidad Argentina de la Empresa; Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Disciplinas Proyectuales/ Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas



cultural diplomacy, cultural management, international cultural cooperation, performing arts


Culture understood as a pillar for the development of states, as well as a growth engine, is a way of linking with other nations. In this sense, art materializes culture through its languages. Of these, the scenic is the one that best popularizes the cultural identity of those who inhabit the Río de la Plata abroad. The main objective of this paper is to analyze the theatrical circulation between the City of Buenos Aires and Montevideo. The secondary objective, to measure that circulation to be able to quantify it.
It is proposed to address the problem circumscribing the analysis to 2010-2017 since it is the period in which the ideological deepening took place in both countries of centre-left governments and part of the change of governments. In this way, it will be possible to observe, through the obtaining of indicators and the analysis of the content of some treaties and specific agreements that have been signed between the States as well as the theatrical circulation in quantitative terms.
In this way, when understanding the circulation of theatre and cultural diplomacy as variables, it is sought to highlight whether in practice the enabling environment is generated to be able to conceive joint cultural diplomacy between both cities. Likewise, it is expected to analyze the incidence of the so-called cultural diplomacy in the theatrical circulation between both cities. Professionally, interesting case studies are observed, such as the Theatrical Move of the Two Banks or the Latin American Theater Corridor, as examples of this cultural action. However, it remains to be seen to what extent the cultural policies of local governments encourage this type of practice. Therefore, we seek to find the link between praxis and intercultural relationships on a small scale (city-city) to analyze them.


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Author Biography

Raúl Santiago Algán, Universidad Argentina de la Empresa; Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Disciplinas Proyectuales/ Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Culture understood as a pillar for the development of States, as well as an engine of growth, is a way of linking up with other nations. In this sense, art materializes culture through its languages. Of these, the stage is the one that best popularizes the cultural identity of those who inhabit the Río de la Plata abroad. The main objective of this paper is to analyze the theatrical circulation between the City of Buenos Aires and Montevideo. The secondary objective, to measure this circulation to quantify it.

It is proposed to address the problem by limiting the analysis to 2010-2017 since it is the period in which the ideological deepening in both countries of centre-left governments took place and part of the change of governments. In this way, it will be possible to observe, through the obtaining of indicators and the content analysis of some specific treaties and agreements that have been signed between the States, as well as the theatrical circulation in quantitative terms.

In this way, by understanding the circulation of theatre and cultural diplomacy as variables, an attempt is made to ascertain whether in practice the proper environment is generated to be able to conceive joint cultural diplomacy between both cities. Likewise, it is expected to analyze the incidence of the so-called cultural diplomacy in the theatrical circulation between both cities. Professionally, interesting case studies are observed, such as the Movida Teatral de las dos Orillas or the Latin American Theater Corridor, as examples of this cultural action. However, it remains to be seen to what extent local governments' cultural policies encourage this type of practice. Therefore, it seeks to find the link between praxis and intercultural relations on a small scale (city-city) to analyze them.


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How to Cite

Algán, R. S. (2020). Theater and cultural diplomacy in the Río de la Plata. Question/Cuestión, 1(65), e263.



initiation to research