It's time to act

Decision, project, conditions, initiative


  • José Sbattella
  • Santiago Liaudat Universidad Nacional de La Plata





This article analyzes four dimensions of political action in Argentina at the particular juncture that caused the coronavirus pandemic. First, the situation of general uncertainty is presented as a product of the spread of the disease, the opening towards progressive or regressive alternatives that these exceptional moments generate and the role that political decision has in the conduct of the crisis in a sense of advance for social majorities and national sovereignty. Secondly, the possibility of aligning the productive, social and intellectual forces behind great collective goals synthesized in a National Project is considered, as a way of giving unity and orientation to the collective effort, social mobilization and daily government measures. Third, the favorable conditions that the pandemic generates to advance in this regard are presented, based on the presentation of a series of ongoing processes that can be favorably channeled with political audacity. Finally, it is proposed to retake the initiative in the face of a right-wing opposition that does not stop, despite the resounding failure of its government, in its attempts to impose a public agenda, limiting the capacity of the national government to act. It is time to act


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Author Biographies

José Sbattella

Lic. en Economía (UNLP). Director del Instituto de Estudios Fiscales y Económicos (IEFE). Ex Profesor Titular de Economía II (FaHCE-UNLP). Ex Presidente de la Unidad de Información Financiera (UIF). Ex Representante de Argentina en el Grupo de Acción Financiera Internacional (GAFI). Ex presidente de la Comisión Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia (CNDC). Ex Director General de Aduana (DGA). Ex Director General de la Dirección Nacional de Impuestos (DGI). Ex Director General de Rentas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (DGR)

Santiago Liaudat, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Prof. de Filosofía (UNLP). Magíster en Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad (UNQ). Especialista en Estudios Latinoamericanos (UFJF-Brasil). Diplomado Universitario en Filosofía de la Liberación (UNJu). Profesor Titular Ordinario de Introducción a la Filosofía (FTS-UNLP). Investigador del Laboratorio de Estudios en Cultura y Sociedad (LECyS-FTS-UNLP) y del Centro de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad (CCTS, UMai). Integrante de la Cátedra Libre Ciencia, Política y Sociedad (UNLP)


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Liaudat, S. & Sbattella, J. (Comps.) (2019). La teoría de la desconexión de Samir Amin: una opción para Argentina frente a la crisis global. Buenos Aires: Colihue.

Ramonet, I. (2020). Ante lo desconocido: la pandemia y el sistema-mundo. Le Monde Diplomatique, edición Cono Sur, abril de 2020. Recuperado de: (última visita el 29/04/2020).

Sbattella, J., Barrera, F., Bona, L., Noguera, D. & Quesada, J. (2020). Informe 187 del Instituto de Estudios Fiscales y Económicos. La Plata: IEFE. Recuperado de: (última visita el 29/04/2020).

Van Creveld, M. (1991). The Transformation of War: The Most Radical Reinterpretation of Armed Conflict Since Clausewitz. New York: Free Press.



How to Cite

Sbattella, J., & Liaudat, S. (2020). It’s time to act: Decision, project, conditions, initiative. Question/Cuestión, 1(mayo), e294.