Media representations on territories linked to subalternity




media representations, youth, subalternity, territories, violence.


In this article I analyze chronicles and photographs from Clarín and La Nación that represent the figure of the young, male and poor and the territories that inhabit in relation to violence during the period 2004 - 2014. The methodological perspective  makes an analytical cross between anthropology, semiotics and cultural analysis. Among the results of this research are the deconstruction of the enunciation place from where these subjects and territories are shown, the identification of metaphors that function as organizers in the delimitation and marking of borders and the description of the elements - signs that convert these subjects and territories in representation object. The conclusion is that these operations and discursive mechanisms collaborate in the co-production of a stigmatized and criminalizing image that reproduces the mechanisms of legitimization of social inequality.


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Author Biography

Bárbara Mastronardi, Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales; Universidad Nacional de San Martín

Graduated in Communication Sciences and Master in Communication and Culture from the University of Buenos Aires. Currently, he is a teacher in the Sociology and Anthropology courses at the Institute of Higher Social Studies (IDAES - UNSAM) and the University Center of San Martín (CUSAM). She also participates as a researcher in the IDAES Communication and Culture Nucleus and in the UBACyT project "The Other and the Same. The visibility of the difference in the media representation regime of contemporary Argentina", directed by María Graciela Rodríguez.


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How to Cite

Mastronardi, B. (2020). THE MARGIN, THE VIOLENCE AND ITS BORDERS: Media representations on territories linked to subalternity. Question/Cuestión, 2(66), e479.


