Canon, semiosis and derivative Works: Harry Potter’s fan films




Fandom, Harry Potter, canon, derivative works, creative practices


Within the field of studies about Harry Potter’s fandom, the practice of fan films has been barely studied. Our investigation will take these derivative works based on J. K. Rowling’s fiction as the object of study. We made a contrastive study that takes into consideration a) a websearch and semiotic analysis of fan films and b) a revision of fans comments about such films. We were able to identify a series of characteristics which differentiate fan films from other kinds of fan works: a more flexible relation with canon since these films take into consideration Rowling’s writings as well as official cinematic adaptations of her novels; also, we identified a few thematic centers of interest. This study shows that these films insertions within the transmedia narrative is produced by a series of negotiations with canon and fanon.


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Author Biography

Lucas Gagliardi, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Profesor en Letras por la UNLP (2013); Licenciado en Letras por la misma casa de estudios (2016); Especialista en Escritura y Literatura (2018) por el INFOD. Ha publicado trabajos de investigación sobre literatura en lengua inglesa desde la perspectiva comparatista y genética. Ha participado de la edición de publicaciones científicas, materiales didácticos y materiales para la formación docente.


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How to Cite

Gagliardi, L. (2021). Canon, semiosis and derivative Works: Harry Potter’s fan films. Question/Cuestión, 3(69), e584.