The Moscow short wave

The process of institutionalizing Radio Moscow abroad as a communication policy to break isolation (1929-1936)




broadcasting, short wave, cultural materialism, Soviet Union


The aim of this article is to analyze the starting motivations and under which format, the Soviet State promoted the beginning of radio broadcasts in foreign languages after undertaking the political definition which stated that the socialist revolution could not be exportable (1929-1936). The hypothesis stated that even within the framework of the theory of socialism in one country adopted by the XIV Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the development of Radio Moscow was part of the communication policies that the Soviet State needed to deploy. This would enable to carry out exchanges with populations of the rest of the world breaking the isolation imposed by both, countries with totalitarian regimes on one side and democratic regimes on the other. It was concluded that the process of institutionalization of Radio Moscow abroad based on a prevailing cultural agenda was the result of the soviet radio broadcasting policies aimed at influencing abroad; the ways of organization, the censorship mechanisms and the working guidelines of the media; the strategic changes of the Communist International; and fluctuations in the international geopolitical situation. We worked from a qualitative approach of articles from publications surveyed from the digital newspaper library of the National Library of Spain and the Virtual Library of Historical Press (Spanish Government).


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Author Biography

Laila Natalí Pecheny, Licenciada y Profesora, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UBA

Laila Natalí Pecheny is a professor and graduate in Communication Sciences from the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) based on her thesis: “Radio Moscow in Spain (1932-1939). The interventions and meanings promoted by the Soviet broadcasting service abroad during the Spanish social crisis and the Civil War ”. She is a member of the research team of the UBACyT Project "The openings of the 80s in the media and the construction of a new political order in Argentina", based at the Gino Germani Research Institute (IIGG)


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How to Cite

Pecheny, L. N. (2021). The Moscow short wave: The process of institutionalizing Radio Moscow abroad as a communication policy to break isolation (1929-1936). Question/Cuestión, 3(69), e572.



initiation to research