evolution of the COVID crises on the front pages of the leading Spanish press





covid, pandemic, frontpages, news, press


This research has analyzed the coverage of the Covid crisis in the main front page headlines of the three newspapers with the largest audience in Spain. Applying content analysis and data visualization, we have searched for correlations between news coverage and number of contagions, and whether there are changes in news trends between the first and second wave of the pandemic. The final conclusions point out that the analyzed newspapers show a relaxation in the informative treatment of the pandemic in addition to focusing on the rules that determine the lifestyle.


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Author Biography

Francisco Leslie López del Castillo Wilderbeek, Universidad Pompeu Fabra

I have a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the Universtitat Oberta de Catalunya, and I have also completed a Master's Degree in the Information and Knowledge Society at the same institution. Also I have a PhD in communication from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and I am a member of the Medium research team at the same institution. I combine my research activity with the position of Documentation Expert in the media analysis company REBOLD.


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How to Cite

López del Castillo Wilderbeek, F. L. (2021). evolution of the COVID crises on the front pages of the leading Spanish press. Question/Cuestión, 3(69), e571. https://doi.org/10.24215/16696581e571

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