Mestizo Practices

Metaphor to think about the present and the future


  • Paula Inés Porta Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social Universidad Nacional de La Plata
  • Mariana Ferrarelli Magíster en Metodología de Investigación, UNLa. Universidad de San Andrés



Practical, Mediations, Classrooms


Mestizo practices could be thought of as a way of doing that is sustained from different perspectives, voices or disciplines that are mixed there. Think of your own practice as a convergence of diversities. In the aúlico one can mix disciplines, ways of doing, formats; includes synchronous and asynchronous, digital and analog but not exclusively. It is also committed to dialogues, to openness towards multiple mediations: technological, cultural, economic, ideological, political and even ethical mediations. Mestizo practices: openness towards various crossings, and this idea of ​​crossing allows us to think of the classroom as a bilingual border area. It is an idea of ​​Baricco in "The Game" that is articulated with Freire: the teacher as border crosser, Jesús Martín Barbero , the interaction of Bakhtin, there is much of the sense of the postcolonial of the cultural studies that nurtures the communication that is now activated.Thinking the classroom as a border area where we are as in the middle where different times / spaces, subjects, languages ​​and formats converge seems to me the best definition for this moment.


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How to Cite

Porta, P. I. ., & Ferrarelli , M. . (2021). Mestizo Practices : Metaphor to think about the present and the future. Question/Cuestión, 3(70), E609.



Informe especial: el futuro que vendrá