ESI in my school?

Practices, representations and meanings about the implementation of CSE in a public school


  • Giuliana Castiglia Unicen



Comprehensive Sex Education, Family, School, Anthropology


This article shows part of the results that emerge from a research carried out for the Bachelor's thesis in Social Anthropology of the Faculty of Social Sciences (UNICEN). The objective in this work is to analyze and identify, from an anthropological study perspective, how the insertion of the theme of Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE) is carried out in a public elementary school in the city of Olavarría, in the centre of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

            Through a qualitative study methodology, based on conducting participant observations and formal and informal interviews, we accessed a set of practices, representations and discourses that circulate and are reproduced in the school on this subject, within the framework of the relationships established between institutional authorities, on the one hand; and the fathers, mothers and other adults responsible for the students, on the other. Its analysis allowed us to understand how school actors incorporate CSE into their curricular designs, what are the methodological strategies implemented, as well as what are the assumptions and prejudices that circulate on the subject of sexuality and the role that the school and its teachers play in the task of addressing CSE content. 


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How to Cite

Castiglia, G. (2022). ESI in my school? Practices, representations and meanings about the implementation of CSE in a public school. Question/Cuestión, 3(71), E674.