Technology, university and company

development of a virtual simulator in Tandil, Buenos Aires Province (2018-2020)




technologies, university, company, convergence, proximities


This paper explores the processes of change and technological convergence in the Argentine Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector from the perspective of the economy of innovation and evolutionary economic geography. The article is based on the results obtained within the framework of an Executing Unit (PUE CONICET) research project entitled: "Transversal technologies, knowledge disseminating activities and development policies in the territory: biotechnology, ICT and Metalworking" (2018-22). Part of the survey of primary and secondary sources and is based on the study of a case of development of "heavy vehicle simulator" designed in Tandil, province of Buenos Aires, between 2018 and 2020. The case investigated comprises a network of heterogeneous actors and allows to account for a work process in which the bases of knowledge and technological capabilities of a spin-off company of a national university and a hardware and electronics development company from Tandil converge. This convergence occurs from a peculiar combination between the different proximities that characterize the case.


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Author Biographies

Luciana Mónica Guido, CONICET-CEUR; UNQ

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales porla Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (2009); Magíster en Sociología dela Cultura y Análisis Cultural por la Universidad Nacionalde San Martín (2007); Profesora y Licenciada en Sociología por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (2007 y 2004). Docente concursada en la UNQ, Investigadora del CONICET en el Centro de Estudios Urbanos y Regionales (CEUR-CONICET). Ha obtenido una beca externa del CONICET del “Programa de Becas en el Exterior para Jóvenes Investigadores” y ha realizado una investigación posdoctoral en el  Centre de Recherche et de Documentation sur les Amériques (CREDA) dependiente del Institut des Hautes Etudes de L´Amerique Latine (IHEAL), UniversitéSorbonneNouvelle-Paris 3 (10 de noviembre 2014 al 18 de marzo 2016). Desde 2011 se desempeña como docente concursada de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. 

Regina Vidosa, CONICET CEUR - UBA

Degree in Sociology from the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Buenos Aires (UBA, 2008). Master in Political Economy with mention in Argentine Economy from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, FLACSO. She holds a doctorate in Urban and Regional Studies from the Interuniversity Program between the National University of Córdoba and the Bauhaus Universität-Weimar (2018). Professor in Political Economy, Faculty of Social Sciences, UBA (since 2012). Assistant Researcher of the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET).


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How to Cite

Guido, L. M., & Vidosa, R. (2022). Technology, university and company: development of a virtual simulator in Tandil, Buenos Aires Province (2018-2020). Question/Cuestión, 3(72), E721.