Discourses in tension on the popular neighborhoods in Tucumán

Hegemonic media vs. popular media in the interpretation and construction of reality


  • Debora Leticia Decima Instituto de Investigaciones Territoriales y Tecnológicas para la Producción del Hábitat (INTEPH); Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo; Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (UNT); Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)




media discursivities, alternative communication, press, stigmatization


The subject configures his subjectivity from the relationships he establishes with others and with his context in the development of everyday life. Through the different institutions, from which emerge the socially shared forms of thought that interpret the experience of reality. In this everyday world, the production and reproduction of the dominant ideology by the sectors of power is evident. Naturalized and reinforced by the hegemonic media, which exclude the popular sectors from the process of discursive production. Faced with this panorama, it is necessary to decode this order from another point of view, based on the voice of the vulnerable sectors. Only in the daily life of popular neighborhoods is it possible to verify the distance that exists between the discourses that are produced outside these territories, and what their inhabitants think, feel and do. This article investigates and contrasts the discursivities produced by hegemonic and alternative digital media, and popular communication experiences in informal settlements of Gran San Miguel de Tucumán. Concluding how hegemonic media constructions collaborate in sustaining the conditions of inequality, while the alternative and popular ones contribute to dismantle the stigmatizing media siege.


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How to Cite

Decima, D. L. (2022). Discourses in tension on the popular neighborhoods in Tucumán: Hegemonic media vs. popular media in the interpretation and construction of reality. Question/Cuestión, 3(73), e750. https://doi.org/10.24215/16696581e750