Willy Dante highlights the value of streaming and the internet for conquering audiences


  • Eduardo Capdevilla Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social – Universidad Nacional de La Plata




Audience, streaming, internet, receiver, messages


The impact of streaming and the internet on radio listenership.

Text: Since my beginnings, the number of listeners to my program has increased significantly. Originally, at Radio Universidad, the reach was limited, resulting in a smaller audience. However, nowadays, with the proliferation of streaming platforms and the internet, everything has changed. More and more people choose to listen to radio through the web. This change is reflected in the challenge faced by those who do not have a traditional receiver. The solution is simple: listen online. The listening experience improves significantly, especially with mobile devices and headphones. Personally, I must be more mindful of what I say, as my audience now comes from places as distant as Colombia or Mexico. The messages I receive through my website or email are a constant reminder of this reality. Willy Dante, former Radio Universidad announcer. Currently hosting Ritmos y Sones del Caribe.


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How to Cite

Capdevilla, E. . (2024). Willy Dante highlights the value of streaming and the internet for conquering audiences. Question/Cuestión, 3(77), e892. https://doi.org/10.24215/16696581e892



Informe especial. 100 años de Radio Universidad Nacional de La Plata

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