Cannabis as a public problem in Olavarría and Tandil




Cannabis, Public problem, Activism, Expertise


The objective of this article is to reconstruct how medicinal and therapeutic cannabis became a public problem in the cities of Olavarría and Tandil between 2016 and 2023, based on the knowledge, speeches and public debates produced by social activist organizations, experts accredited and local officials and politicians to place the issue on the local public, government and scientific agenda. The methodological strategy was based on the collection and analysis of data, the interpretation of documents, archival material and web pages, and on the conduct and analysis of semi-structured interviews with leaders and members of social organizations, experts and policy makers. local level policy. The hypothesis maintains that a renewal of the traditional cannabis movement, given from new moralities and therapeutic and medicinal knowledge of the plant, and the alliances created with accredited experts and local politicians of the territory, within the framework of relationships of trust and inter-knowledge, promoted by the local and community scale of this type of city, they managed to generate new meanings, expectations and interests (health, economic, productive and local development) about the plant, which led to positioning it as a problem of public and government interest in the territory.


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Author Biographies

Silvina Mentasti, Faculty of Social Sciences, National University of the Center of the Province of Buenos Aires

Graduate in Social Communication (UNICEN). PhD student in Sociology (UNSAM). Doctoral Scholar of the Scientific Research Commission of the Province of Buenos Aires (CICPBA). He has been working since 2016 on issues related to science communication within the framework of advances in research projects linked to the medicinal and/or therapeutic uses of cannabis.

Lucía Romero, Research Center for Transformation, National University of San Martín

Lucía Romero is an Associate Researcher at CONICET, Doctor in Social Sciences from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO), Master in Science, Technology and Society from the National University of Quilmes. Graduate and Professor in Sociology from the University of Buenos Aires. She currently works as a researcher at the Research Center for Transformation of the National University of San Martín (CENIT - UNSAM).


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Fuentes periodísticas y documentales

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How to Cite

Mentasti, S., & Romero, L. . (2024). Cannabis as a public problem in Olavarría and Tandil. Question/Cuestión, 3(79), e933.

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