Signatures of act-agreement. State performance in the construction of the "security problem" in the province of Córdoba




Citizen Security, Performance, State intervention.


This article examine the construction about the “security problem” as of two governmental events will be denoted: act agreement endorsement. First, between the government of the province de Córdoba, the Police and neighbors self- convened in space of citizen participation. In the second case, analyze the collective agreement amongst the municipality of the city of Córdoba and the province government on infrastructure and security. They use these to review the character performance of them –regulated by protocol- in the consecration of certain material and symbolic resource are linked, in this particular case, to the control (and definition) of crime. Also, the firm, with certificate and provide the engagement of the parts in a particular question, it gives that moment culminate that considered about the power performatico the written its represent. This engagement didn´t is an alone event, but part of series of actions have been increase the effects performatico of the public administration. To understand the ethnographic work as knowledge, produce in context, I propose etnograph suck events liked to processes of state formation.               


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Author Biography

Sofía María Vittorelli, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades; Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Estudiante de la Lic. en Antropología. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Asimismo investigadora integrante del proyecto SECyT (UNC) “La calle es nuestra. Abordajes etnográficos sobre la construcción de relaciones, espacialidades y violencias urbanas en sectores populares de Córdoba”. Museo de Antropología (FFYH.UNC)


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How to Cite

Vittorelli, S. M. (2018). Signatures of act-agreement. State performance in the construction of the "security problem" in the province of Córdoba. Question/Cuestión, 1(59), e086.



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