The City that Resists

a landscape of urban activism in a feminist key


  • Juan Di Meglio LECyS - FTS - UNLP



City, town planning, urban activism


The present text is a review of the book “The City that Resists. Towards a feminist urbanism” (Editorial de la Universidad de La Plata, 2019) written collectively by the different collectives linked to the experiences that are revealed at work.

The book, based on recovering different organizational experiences and interventions, seeks to reveal different practices of urban activism under the protagonism of groups that, under the theoretical, philosophical and even ethical umbrella of feminist urbanism, seek to question the ways in which it is expressed and patriarchy and the oppressive relationships that emerge from it are condensed in space.


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Author Biography

Juan Di Meglio, LECyS - FTS - UNLP

Becario doctoral de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata con lugar de trabajo en el Laboratorio de Estudios en Cultura y Sociedad de la Facultad de Trabajo Social


Varias autoras (2019) "La Ciudad que Resiste. Hacia un urbanismo feminista"Editorial de la Universidad de La Plata, La Plata.



How to Cite

Di Meglio, J. (2021). The City that Resists: a landscape of urban activism in a feminist key. Question/Cuestión, 3(70).