Senses of the communication thing in strategies of work in network with teenagers


  • María Cristina Cabral Universidad Nacional de La Plata


Communication, education, planning, adolescence.


This paper expresses the conclusions of the master’s thesis «Adolescence, Communication and Social Policy. The production of meanings of the communicational strategies Planning and Adolescents Network Management Viedma», defended in 2014. The aim of the investigation was to analyze the senses of the communication thing that were forming in the mediations of the agents of the Network Adolescence Viedma, in a period of time (2004-2008) in which they were instituted in the province of Rio Negro, especially, and in Argentina, in general, the social policies destined for the adolescence from the paradigm of the integral protection. The approximation to these senses, from the field of the communication / education, allowed to analyze how the adult integral persons of the Network and them and the teenagers lived the actions placed in the social policies of these years.


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How to Cite

Cabral, M. C. (2015). Senses of the communication thing in strategies of work in network with teenagers. Revista Argentina De Estudios De Juventud, (8), 58–72. Retrieved from