The Establishment, the primordial point the caption in the (re)signification of Javier Milei's them

Articulation, antagonisms and border tracing, in the electoral debate of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires



Establishment, Javier Milei, political discourse, hegemony, them


The 2021 elections, in Argentina, were held in a very particular context: The COVID-19 pandemic, added to the economic crisis inherited from the past government, and the incapacity of the current one to solve it, led to what the theorist Ernesto Laclau considers a «moment of dislocation in the structure». A proliferation of demands emerged in the political arena and began to dispute discourses that were based on social (Retamozo, 2009), from their articulation in the enunciations of parties and leaders of the «new right» (Natanson, 2020; Stefanoni, 2021), in Latin American.

In this regard, and understanding that it is essential that communication and political theory begin to analyze the discursive construction of these leaders and parties, this paper will address Javier Milei's enunciations about establishment in the CABA electoral debate, held on October 13, 2021.


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Author Biography

Juan Bautista Seco, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina

Juan Bautista Seco


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How to Cite

Seco, J. B. . (2022). The Establishment, the primordial point the caption in the (re)signification of Javier Milei’s them: Articulation, antagonisms and border tracing, in the electoral debate of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Actas De Periodismo Y Comunicación, 7(2). Retrieved from



Estado, sociedad y sujetos políticos