The Art of Theory. Bourdieu's writing as a Theoretical Construction Strategy




Theory, Language, Construction, Reflexivity, Acceptability


The aim of this article is to offer an analysis of the writing of Pierre Bourdieu understood as a constitutive aspect, and not merely ornamental or stylistic, of his way of constructing social theory. It is assumed that the elaboration of theoretical schemes has in writing a level of primordial analysis, made of expressive procedures that give shape to the theoretical decisions and to the logic of description and argumentation. Taking as reference one of its main texts -The practical Sense- a series of writing operations are identified and analyzed that offer the base of broader explorations, of the same work and eventually of others of its kind.


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Author Biography

Javier Luis Cristiano, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Degree in Social Communication and Master in Sociosemiótica, both from the National University of Córdoba (1994 and 1999 respectively); PhD at Complutense University of Madrid (Department of Sociological Theory, 2004). He is an Independent Researcher at CONICET and a Regular Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the UNC. He specializes in history and problems of classical and contemporary sociological theory and has published articles about it in the main specialized journals, in addition to the book Imagination and social action. Elements for a sociological theory of creativity (CICCUS, 2017)


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How to Cite

Cristiano, J. L. (2019). The Art of Theory. Bourdieu’s writing as a Theoretical Construction Strategy. Question/Cuestión, 1(64).

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