«He better answer me!»

The appropriation of mobile telephony from the perspective of mothers and fathers


  • Luis Ricardo Sandoval Grupo de Trabajo sobre Internet, tecnología y cultura; Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8898-5745
  • Celina Salvatierra Grupo de Trabajo sobre Internet, tecnología y cultura; Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3849-7991
  • Natalia Soledad Carrizo Grupo de Trabajo sobre Internet, tecnología y cultura; Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0931-5124




Appropriation of mobile telephony, Daily life, Family, Parentality


Mobile telephony is the most widespread technology among information and communication technologies (ICT). Unlike others (and especially the Internet), the mobile phone is primarily used to strengthen pre-existing ties, especially those of peer and family groups.

In this paper we used a qualitative approach, based on in-depth interviews and discussion groups, to investigate the processes of appropriation of mobile telephony in the domestic sphere, and their articulation with family relationships between, by on the one hand, mothers and fathers and, on the other, their daughters and sons. Findings indicate that mobile phones have become a supportive infrastructure for family life, especially when daughters and sons move outside the home. Beyond the incorporation of microcoordination, perpetual contact at the phathic level allows to calm the anguish inherent in the contemporary increase in risk.

This explains why mobile phones have become, within families, a preferential object of disputes, negotiations and control, becoming a central aspect of contemporary parentality.


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Author Biographies

Luis Ricardo Sandoval, Grupo de Trabajo sobre Internet, tecnología y cultura; Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco

Graduate in Social Communication (UNPSJB, 1990), Master in Planning and Management of Communicational Processes (UNLP, 2011) and PhD in Communication (UNLP, 2019). He is a regular professor at the Department of Social Communication of the Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco and a member of the Grupo de Trabajo sobre Internet, tecnología y cultura (Working Group on Internet, technology and culture, GT-Itc-UNPSJB). He integrates the Network of Researchers on Appropriation of Digital Technologies. He has published two books and various articles in collective volumes and field's jorunals.

Celina Salvatierra, Grupo de Trabajo sobre Internet, tecnología y cultura; Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco

Degree in Social Communication from the UNPSJB (2000), Master in Planning and Management of Communicational Processes from the UNLP (2012) and PhD in Social Communication (2019) UNLP. His doctoral thesis is on specialized journalism magazines in Argentina. Organizational Communication Professor (UNPSJB). It is part of the Collective of Work on Internet, Technology and Culture. 

Natalia Soledad Carrizo, Grupo de Trabajo sobre Internet, tecnología y cultura; Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco


Degree in Social Communication from the National University of Patagonia San Juan Bosco (2011), Specialist in Interactive Digital Communication from the National University of Rosario (2017), National Speaker for the Higher Institute of Radio Education (2017) Mat. 12.251 and student of Master in Interactive Digital Communication (UNR). She currently works as an Adjunct Professor of the Chair in Multimedia Design and Production and Head of Practical Works in the Theories of Communication II of the BA in Social Communication (UNPSJB). He is a member of the Working Group on Internet, Technology and Culture (UNPSJB) and of the Network of Researchers on Appropriation of Digital Technologies. He has published papers at congresses in Argentina and the chapter "Comodoro Communitary: Web 2.0 applied to organizations of the comodosense civil society in the book "Inhabiting the Network". Bianchi and Sandoval (Editors). Com. Riv. EDUPA, 2014.


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How to Cite

Sandoval, L. R., Salvatierra, C., & Carrizo, N. S. (2020). «He better answer me!»: The appropriation of mobile telephony from the perspective of mothers and fathers. Question/Cuestión, 1(65), e260. https://doi.org/10.24215/16696581e260


