The interrelation of media and public agenda for social development. A transformative study


  • Yánder Castillo Salina Centro de Estudios Sociales Cubanos y Caribeños José Antonio Portuondo; Universidad de Oriente



From 2010 the studies of social agendas in Cuba –and specifically of those concerning of relations of media and public agendas- revealed deep divergences of how are involved this actors for the social construction of reality. The station Radio Titán, in Mella municipality, in Santiago de Cuba province, is pioneer in the transformation of this problematic situation. The media professionals and communitarian people have made revision for renew communicational mediatic and communitarian model of communication. They objective areobtainedmechanism of dialogic interrelation between mediatic and public agenda of locality, to promote social action and participative dialogue as about communitarian problems. This study develops form 2015 and had a preceding diagnostic phase. This dissertation presents theoretic and methodological reflections and a cultural actions system in function of dialogic interrelation of agendas. The method used was Investigation Action Participation, FODA Analysis and Participative Group. The study subscribes the fundaments of Organizational Develop and Strategic Planification disciplines.


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Author Biography

Yánder Castillo Salina, Centro de Estudios Sociales Cubanos y Caribeños José Antonio Portuondo; Universidad de Oriente

Licenciado en Periodismo por la Universidad de Oriente en Cuba y máster en Desarrollo Cultural Comunitario por la Universidad de Oriente. Doctorante de Sociología de la Comunicación por el Centro de Estudios Sociales Cubanos y Caribeños "Dr. José Antonio Portuondo", (Universidad de Oriente, Cuba). Ha publicado en revistas científicas como Razón y Palabra, Question, Alcance, Sphera Publica, index.comunication y otras.



How to Cite

Castillo Salina, Y. (2019). The interrelation of media and public agenda for social development. A transformative study. Question/Cuestión, 1(61), e131.