Distinctions in film: philosophical dualism in light of the Peircean sign


  • Ezequiel Iván Duarte Instituto de Investigaciones en Comunicación; Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social; Universidad Nacional de La Plata http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5600-628X




cinema and communication, hylemorphism, Charles Sanders Peirce, Jorge Acha, representation, Adrian J. Ivakhiv


This essay tackles the traditional dualism in philosophy and the arts between form and matter, focusing in the division of the sign between signifier and signified. This bifurcation subscribes to representationalism which postulates the ontological divide between the world-in-itself and the mental images we make from it. Hence it is important to recover the Peircean sign because, unlike the structuralist sign or Ernst Cassirer’s sign/symbol distinction, it reintroduces the image in all its materiality, never reduced to a simple psychologism (and much less to linguistics). Walter Benjamin’s allegorical sign follows the same path. Therefore, in the end, we offer a cinematographic example: we take a couple of sequences from Jorge Acha’s feature film Habeas Corpus (1986) and think about the implications of the peircean conception of the sign developed here in relation to avant-garde art and its links to a process-relational or communicational ontology.


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Author Biography

Ezequiel Iván Duarte, Instituto de Investigaciones en Comunicación; Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social; Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Becario de posgrado UNLP en el doctorado en Comunicación, FPyCS. Trabajo en un proyecto sobre figuraciones de la historia latinoamericana en la obra del cineasta, escritor y artista plástico Jorge Acha.


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How to Cite

Duarte, E. I. (2018). Distinctions in film: philosophical dualism in light of the Peircean sign. Question/Cuestión, 1(62), e160. https://doi.org/10.24215/16696581e160



initiation to research