Approaches to the State of the art: updating and surveying doctoral theses in ICT, public education and inclusion in the period 2015-2019




state of the art, Educaction, ICT, public policy


To carry out this article, various academic productions of the National University of La Plata have been investigated, in order to explore what the background was by researchers in relation to the work plan presented and awarded in the CONICET Doctoral Scholarships Topics Strategic (2019-2024). In this framework, my topic of inquiry has as a general objective to analyze the uses and appropriations by teachers and students of public secondary schools in La Plata in relation to educational technologies provided by the “Schools of the Future Program”. It should be said that these are the first approximations in the construction of the State of the art of my thesis corresponding to the Doctorate in Communication of the UNLP Faculty of Journalism and Social Communication.


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Author Biography

Gonzalo Ricardo Mamani, Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social; Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Bachelor in Social Communication with Communication Planning (2018) and Professor in Social Communication (2019) by the Faculty of Journalism and Social Communication of the National University of La Plata. PhD in Communication at the Faculty of Journalism and Social Communication of the UNLP. Master in Sociology of Culture and Cultural Analysis at the Institute of High Social Studies of the National University of San Martín. Currently, he is a doctoral fellow of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research with a place of work at the Institute of Communication Studies in Media, Culture and Anibal Power Ford INESCO of the FPyCS-UNLP. He specializes in the analysis of public policies in ICT in educational space.


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How to Cite

Mamani, G. R. (2020). Approaches to the State of the art: updating and surveying doctoral theses in ICT, public education and inclusion in the period 2015-2019. Question/Cuestión, 2(66), e499.



initiation to research