


Umberto Eco, literary reading, model reading


This article is the result of an inquiry about literary Reading and the theory of the reader by Umberto Eco. For Eco, the reader participates in the process of reading as an aesthetic and linguistic action that codifies his/her role. The aesthetic action starts in the logics of production of the open masterpiece and the receptive possibilities of the interpreter/manager.  The linguistic perspective, on the other hand, is produced through a reader poetics that makes the literary masterpiece his/her object of analysis. Both, the aesthetic and the linguistic perspective consolidate an analysis about the reader that originates the notions of semantic and semiotic reader, from which the figure of Model Reader emerges, as the one who arranges the way to read a narrative literary piece from certain levels of reading intentions: intentio auctoris, intentio operis, intentio lectoris e intentio intertextualitis


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Author Biography

Luis Alfonso Argüello Guzmán, Universidad de San Buenaventura, sede Medellín, Extensión Ibagué

Doctor Luis Alfonso Arguello Guzman has a doctoral title in Humanities, Humanism and Person. He is currently professor for the program of Psychology and a researcher associated to the Interdisciplinary Center of Human Studies – CIDEH at Universidad de San Buenaventura, from Medellín with an extension service in Ibagué, Colombia.  


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How to Cite

Argüello Guzmán, L. A. (2020). THE MODEL READING: UMBERTO ECO. Question/Cuestión, 2(66), e490.


